Monday, October 28, 2019

What do I need to know before I choose a translator?

In the sit, it seems simple! My cousin has lived in the U.S. for 15 years, certainly she can translate my technical article from geology.
But it's not like that. It is not enough to have knowledge in a language to become a translator,the training process of a translator is long.
Professional translators have great knowledge in both languages, the starting language and the sign-up language, it is necessary to know spelling, grammar and the nuances of semantics of each language.
In addition, some areas require knowledge or technical experience of the translator. Translators working with texts from the medical field, for example, need to have knowledge in the health area and years of experience with the translation of this type of document. After all, an error in a manual of a health equipment can be fatal!
Other texts require confidential treatment, professional translators often sign confidentiality agreements and have dedicated servers so that their information remains protected.
You have to make sure your translator masters the use of technology. A well-subtitled video will follow the rules of style and the minuettage. A delayed or heavy legend impairs the reader's understanding.
The best way to ensure that all these issues are considered appropriately during hiring is to choose a renowned translation agency on the market.
Aliança Traduções works with serious and experienced professionals from various areas and with varied expertise, thus we can ensure that their work is performed within the right time frame and with quality

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